Core bussines

analysis process

Specializes in analytical equipment used in manufacturing processes used to control product quality and ensure that standards are met at every stage of production to meet customer needs.

Combustion efficiency technology

Technology that uses high levels of combustion efficiency, control systems and CEM (continuous emissions monitoring) systems to create higher levels of efficiency. Reduce operating costs and control and reduce pollution levels according to environmental laws.

Quality, Safety, Occupational Health and Environment

Tools and equipment that promote safety Good occupational health standards and environmental quality All of which are important factors in operating an industrial business. We guarantee that all our services meet the required standards. Promote trust by following up. Control pollution levels and ensuring compliance with current environmental laws and standards.

scientific products

Laboratory analysis and measurement tools and equipment Both of which can promote precision and precision in industrial and manufacturing processes. These may include tools used for quality or product analysis. Water quality measurement tools for laboratories Equipment for field work and production processes and specialized equipment for radiation and nuclear technology laboratories


Measuring equipment for industrial plants to ensure accuracy and precision suitable for production processes and customer needs. We can also arrange periodic preventive maintenance for all your related equipment.

automatic control system

Design, install and engineer automatic control systems using solutions that meet customer needs using standardized, modern, high quality equipment and technology.



Providing purchasing and storage services for spare parts and consumables for all types of industries according to customer needs. Our trading unit offers a quick solution to finding different types of products. from various manufacturers and sellers both domestically and abroad