Indoor Monitoring Sensor

Quality Safety Health and Environment

Assistant Buniness Unit Manager : Mrs. Suthathean Hand

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The new LSI LASTEM Heat Shield unit is now available.

Heat Shield range includes in one compact solution, globe/wet bulb/dry bulb temperatures and relative humidity sensors integrated in a rugged equipment to display and store on-line WBGT indoor& outdoor index, Heat Index and Humidex.

Thanks to its built-in radio technology, Heat Shield can support up to two satellite units to calculate WBGT at different levels (as per the recommendations outlined in ISO 7243: 1989) or in different locations. When equipped with the anemometer, the unit, using post-processing programs (GIDAS TEA), can calculate additional ISO indexes for thermal comfort – PMV-PPD (ISO7730) – or heat and cold stress – Predicted Heat Strain (PHS-ISO7933), Insulation Required (IREQ-ISO11079), Duration Limit of the exposition (Dlim-ISO11079).

Natural Wet Bulb Thermometer (Cotton wick immersed into a built-in reservoir with detachable cover)  Element: 1/3 DIN-A Pt100
Range: -20÷60°C
Accuracy (0÷60°C): ±0.3°C
Globe Thermometer 6” sphere  Element: 1/3 DIN-A Pt100
Range: -20÷60°C
Accuracy (0÷60°C): ±0.3°C
Dry Bulb Thermometer (Equipped with radiant screen)  Element: 1/2 Pt100
Range: -20÷60°C
Accuracy (0÷60°C): ±0.8°C,  ±0.4 °C (10-40°C)
Relative Humidity Sensor  Element: Capacitive sensing  element
Range: 0÷100%
Accuracy (0÷60°C): 1.8%RH  (10-90%)