Quality Safety Health and Environment

Assistant Buniness Unit Manager : Mrs. Suthathean Hand

Tel : 081-8755935

E-mail :  suthathean@pico.co.th


Tel : 02-939-5711 ext. 350

E-mail : qshe@pico.co.th

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Accurately measure a variety of gases with a single instrument using Thermo Scientific™ MIRAN SapphIRe Portable Ambient Analyzers.
These analyzers utiize infrared spectroscopy for wavelength coverage that permits outstanding single and multi-gas monitoring as well as unknown compound identification, making the MIRAN SapphIRe one of the most versatile gas detection system on the market today. In addition, non-destructive infrared technology means you can send field-analyzed samples to a laboratory for further analysis.


The wavelength generator filter has a unique design that allows rapid, accurate wavelength selection, separating it from other gas analyzers.

Key Features:

  • Easy to use
  • Selective
  • Sensitive enough for sub-ppm detection
  • Can be upgraded

All models include:

  • User-defined library space for 10 single-gas and 10 multi-gas applications
  • Real-time compensations for temperature, humidity, reference, and pressure


  • Optics: Linear Variable Filter (LVF) from 7.7 to 14.1; seven fixed band pass filters 1.8, 3.3, 3.6, 4.0, 4.2, 4.5 and 4.7
  • Pathlength: 0.5M or 12.5M

Optional ThermoMatch Spectrum Correlation Software:

  • Helps identify unknown airborne compounds
  • Includes 150 common toxic industrial compounds, and can be modified to incorporate a user library of hundreds more
  • Permits industrial users to include all site-specific compounds, increasing the quality of results
  • Allows first responders to include SARA Tier II compounds for critical facilities to aid in containment actions
  • Offers optimum speed of analysis with on-the-spot correlation of unknown compounds; onsite results eliminate need for costly and time-consuming lab analysis of potentially blank samples
  • Saves spectra absorption files with data logging for further analysis and record keeping

ThermoConnect Software

The included Windows™-based graphical user interface enables users of the MIRAN SapphIRe to transfer, display, analyze and configure data from instrument using a computer.


  • Offers optimal measurement capabilities for high-end users who need to measure a wide variety of a mixed atmosphere of gases
  • Contains over 120 single-gas applications with customization capabilities
  • Ideal for consultants, industrial hygienists, regulatory agencies, research scientists and emergency response professionals


  • Provides flexibility for users who perform similar measurements on a routine basis
  • Contains over 50 single-gas applications with customization capability
  • Popular with indoor air quality specialists and anesthetic gas monitoring technicians


  • Designed for users who regularly encounter a limited number of air monitoring applications
  • Features quick and easy operation for enforcement agencies and specified compound measurement projects

Recommended for:

  • Industrial hygiene
  • Emergency response analysis
  • Indoor air quality studies
  • Waste anesthetic gases
  • Fume hood/tracer gas analysis
  • Leak detection for process maintenance